Welcome to JeffGarr.org

Management & Interviewing 


Interview for ROI


I love being a manager and leader of people.  It has always been immensely rewarding to see people reach new levels when joining my team and even more so when they grow beyond my team to greater career opportunities.  An activity that I particularly enjoy is interviewing perspective candidates for new job roles.  It is wonderful to see the candidates’ aspirations and dreams of taking their careers to the next level.  I believe candidates can learn a lot from understanding the interviewer’s perspective as well as maximizing their own interviewing skills.


The interviewer is looking for skillsets and motivation that indicate high performance individuals.  They are about to make a significant investment on behalf of their company, and need to find the right candidate that will have the highest “return on investment” (ROI).  Interviewers seek to find the candidate that has the greatest potential for success.


Candidates must position themselves and bring attention to all their skillsets that equate to high performance.  As a candidate, you should do a lot of preparation prior to your interview, including taking an inventory of your skillsets, accomplishments, and experience.  Next determine how you promote your knowledge and capabilities so that the interviewer is aware of the value you “bring to the table.”  They need to understand the great ROI that you can bring to their organization.  The interviewer needs to see your ROI as greater than that of the other candidates.


Happy Interviewing!